Module 1: Introduction to Whole Genome Sequencing in AMR surveillance

Day 1 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf​

Day 2 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf

​Day 3 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf

​Day 4 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf

Day 5 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf

​Day 6 WGS in AMR surveillance - presentation - pdf​

Recordings of each day:

Day 1 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video

Day 2 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video

Day 3 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video

Day 4 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video

Day 5 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video

Day 6 WGS in AMR surveillance - recording - video







​11E Excel sheet

Individual presentations

The present and future in AMR surveillance

Application of WGS in public health microbiology: Cholera and Haiti.

[3] Taking epidemiology into account –what to sequence and how much?

Overview of terminology and different sequencing platforms

Basic quality control of raw reads

Bioinformatics Basics: General introduction to bioinformatics and introducing genome assembly.

Online tools 1

Online tools 2

Online tools 3


Genotype to Phenotype

The Nagoya protocol

13-1 NICD, South Africa: Genomic surveillance of enteric pathogens

13-2 FDA, USA: Genomic and metagenomics based surveillance of AMR in the United States under the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (NARMS)

13-3 DTU, Denmark: WGS surveillance in Europe

13-4 Africa Union/Africa CDC: Pathogen Genomics for Infectious Disease Control and Elimination in Africa

13-5 WHO: Integrated surveillance of AMR and the ESBL Ec tricycle project.​

​Module 2 WGS workflow

​Day 1 presentation - pdf

Day 2 presentation - pdf

Day 3 presentation - pdf

Day 4 presentation - pdf


​2E: Investigating quality checks on isolated DNA


9E: Using Enterobase 

Individual presentations:

​Introducing the workflow

Illumina Library Prep

Downloading Data

​Recap on Bioinformatics

​Recap on CGE Tools

Protocols and ISOs

Data Sharing Practices and Repositories

Data Sharing NCBI and Species

Module 3 SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing

Day 1 presentation - pdf

Day 2 presentation - pdf

Day 3 presentation - pdf

Day 4 presentation - pdf


Galaxy and Exatype Analysis

Example report for pipeline exercise


Individual presentations:

​ SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance- From respiratory sample to SARS-CoV-2 genome. Jinal Bhiman.

[5b] Library prep: COVIDSeq. Zama Khumalo.

[6a] Illumina sequencing NextSeq. Thabo and Zama.

Downloading data. Stanford Kwenda

Galaxy pipeline - Cathrine Scheepers

[11b] Introduction to PANGOLin and COVDB online tools - Daniel Amoako



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Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute

CVR: 30060946



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